Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room.

-Jeff Bezos, CEO @ Amazon

Lifestyle Personal Brand Photography is a MUST HAVE

No one uses business cards anymore.  Everyone has gone digital and social, now it is all about LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and many other social networks.  How polished is your virtual business card?

Lifestyle Personal Brand Photography is quickly becoming a requirement in today’s digital world. Small business owners and entrepreneurs know that customers buy you as much as (and sometimes more than) they buy your products and services. We live in a digital age where social media and instant gratification are the standards. Business professionals need more than a head shot to support their personal brand. Most importantly you need images that support your philosophies and passions.

We Offer several lifestyle branding packages including one time and ongoing maintenance agreements.

As the owner of CarJo Studios, Cara brings several unique qualities to every Lifestyle Personal Branding client.  First, Cara spent over 20 years in corporate America and she understands branding and sales.  Secondly, as a boutique studio we work with all of our clients on an individual basis to help you to dig deeper and bring your personal story to life.

Our shoots go beyond traditional head shots.  We capture you at work and showcase the qualities that make you unique. We include detail shots that allow you to expand your online presence.  Additionally, we understand that you need images with space to add text or other messaging.  We know you need horizontal and square images for today’s social media applications.  We dig deep to understand your brand and incorporate brand colors and themes in your shoot.  We truly try to think of it all so that you don’t have to.

You DESERVE Lifestyle Personal Brand Photography with CarJo Studios!  Your Brand.  Your Passion.  Your Story.